The brands behind the Pensar Agropecuária Institute

The Pensar Agropecuária Institute has 57 member associations representing everyone from farmers to food companies and agrochemical, seed and feed factories

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57 / 57

  • Abag

    Brazilian Agribusiness Association

    • Banco do Brasil
    • Itaú
    • Vivo

    Brazilian Agribusiness Association

    Founded in 1993, it claims to be "the only association that brings together all links in the chain, from the field to the industry, distribution and services" and "is essential for strengthening relations with the government.

    Famous brands

    B3, Banco do Brasil, Basf, Bayer, Cargill, Embrapa, Itaú BBA, JBS, Santander, Serasa Experian,Syngenta, Vivo

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  • Abba

    Brazilian Potato Association

    • BemBrasil
    • General Mills
    • Syngenta

    Brazilian Potato Association

    Founded in 1997, it currently "joins producers representing over 50% of the nation's potato production, supplier companies, and researchers from educational and research institutes in Brazil.

    Famous brands

    Basf, Bayer, BemBrasil, General Mills, Syngenta

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  • ABCS

    Brazilian Association of Pig Farmers

    Brazilian Association of Pig Farmers

    Founded in 1955 in Rio Grande do Sul, it has been headquartered in Brasília since 2005, "where the political, technical and marketing teams are." It brings together regional pig farming associations.

  • ABCZ

    Brazilian Association of Zebu Breeders

    Brazilian Association of Zebu Breeders

    With over 22,000 members, it has been working since 1934 to defend the rights of rural producers." One of its directors is Maurício Bahia Odebrecht, the youngest son of building contractor Emílio Odebrecht.

  • Abia

    Brazilian Association of the Food Industry

    • BRF
    • Coca-Cola
    • McDonald's

    Brazilian Association of the Food Industry

    Members are small, medium and large food, beverage, technology and ingredient makers. According to the association, its members "represent around 80% of the industry in production value.

    Famous brands

    Ajinomoto, Ambev, Bauducco, BRF, Coca-Cola, Danone, Dr. Oetker, Heinz, Hershey's, Kellogg's, McCain, McDonald's, Mondeléz, Nestlé, Pepsico

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  • Abic

    Brazilian Association of the Coffee Industry

    • Aviação
    • Melitta
    • Orfeu

    Brazilian Association of the Coffee Industry

    Since its founding in 1973, it has represented coffee roasting and grinding industries as a tool for "a better way to negotiate with the government.

  • Abiec

    Brazilian Beef Exporters Association

    • JBS
    • Marfrig
    • Minerva

    Brazilian Beef Exporters Association

    Created in 1979, it includes 43 industry companies in Brazil, "responsible for 98% of the beef exported by Brazilian producers" and aims to "influence decisions affecting international trade.

    Famous brands

    JBS, Marfrig, Masterboi, Minerva, Prima Foods

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  • Abifumo

    Brazilian Association of the Tabacco Industry

    • Philip Morris
    • Souza Cruz

    Brazilian Association of the Tabacco Industry

    Headquartered in Brasilia, it "provides support to communicate its members' positions on matters relevant to the sector.

    Famous brands

    Alliance One, Phillip Morris, Souza Cruz, Universal Leaf

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  • Abimaq

    Brazilian Association of the Machinery and Equipment Industry

    • Atlas Schindler
    • Volvo
    • Thyssenkrupp

    Brazilian Association of the Machinery and Equipment Industry

    It has worked for over 85 years on behalf of 9,000 companies with "articulation and influence with political institutions." Its website does not list all of its members.

    Famous brands

    Atlas Schindler, Caterpillar, John Deere, Scania, Siemens, Whirlpool, Volvo

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  • Abiogás

    Brazilian Biogas Association

    • Braskem
    • Copersucar
    • Ultragaz

    Brazilian Biogas Association

    Founded in 2013 by "companies looking to increase the biogas's share in the energy matrix," it serves as a canal for interlocution with governments and energy planning agencies.

    Famous brands

    Braskem, BP Bunge, Castrolanda, Caterpillar, Copel, Copersucar, Gasprom, Iveco, MWM, Raízen, Sabesp, Supergasbras, Ultragaz, Unilever, White Martins

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  • Abiove

    Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries

    • Bunge
    • Cargill
    • JBS

    Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries

    Founded in 1981, it "represents the leading companies that process, manufacture and trade soybeans, soybean oil, soybean meal and biodiesel.

    Famous brands

    Amaggi, BTG Pactual, Bunge, Cargill, Cofco, Imcopa, JBS, Louis Dreyfus Company

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  • Abipesca

    Brazilian Association of Fish Industries

    • Coqueiro
    • Robinson Crusoe

    Brazilian Association of Fish Industries

    With offices in São Paulo and Brasília, it says its member companies are responsible for 90% of fish exports and 70% of the domestic fish market.

    Famous brands

    Coqueiro, Robinson Crusoe

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  • Abisolo

    Brazilian Association of Plant Nutrition Technology Industries

    • Ajinomoto
    • JBS
    • Korin

    Brazilian Association of Plant Nutrition Technology Industries

    Founded in 2003, it represents and advocates for the interests of companies producing agricultural inputs with the government, oversight agencies, and research organizations.

    Famous brands

    Agroceres, Ajinomoto, Alltech, Ecofertil, Helm, JBS, Korin, Yara

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  • Abpa

    Brazilian Animal Protein Association

    • Copacol
    • Frimesa
    • Seara

    Brazilian Animal Protein Association

    National institutional organization of poultry and swine farmers. Promotes the industry's "institutional relations." Members include various unions and regional associations.

    Famous brands

    Boehringer Ingelheimm, CVale, Cargill, Holambra, Copacol, Dip Frangos/Diplomata, Frimesa, Grupo Mantiqueira, Korin, Seara

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  • Abrabor

    Brazilian Association of Natural Rubber Producers and Processors

    Brazilian Association of Natural Rubber Producers and Processors

    Members are natural rubber associations and cooperatives in São Paulo, Goiás, Tocantis, Espírito Santo and Bahia

  • Abrafrigo

    Brazilian Association of Meatpackers

    • BMG Foods
    • Marfrig

    Brazilian Association of Meatpackers

    Headquartered in Curitiba with offices in Brasília, it "represents the interests of beef processing plants." Members include various unions and regional associations.

    Famous brands

    BMG Foods, Estrela Alimentos, Frigorífico Better Beef, Marfrig, Masterboi

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  • Abrafrutas

    Brazilian Association of Producers and Exporters of Fruit and Fruit Products

    • Klabin
    • Cutrale

    Brazilian Association of Producers and Exporters of Fruit and Fruit Products

    Created in 2014, it works to "represent and promote the Brazilian fruit farming sector to the international market." Its members account for nearly 70% of Brazilian fruit exports.

    Famous brands

    Klabin, Cutrale

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  • Abramilho

    Brazilian Association of Corn and Sorghum Producers

    Brazilian Association of Corn and Sorghum Producers

    Founded in 2007, it is headquartered in Brasília and acts by representing corn producers "to find support politically, technologically and in the market" to boost productivity in the sector.

  • Abrapa

    Brazilian Association of Cotton Producers

    Brazilian Association of Cotton Producers

    Created in 1999, it is headquartered in Brasília and is aimed at "guaranteeing and increasing the profitability of the sector and acting politically, socially and economically with the public and private sectors.

  • Abrasem

    Brazilian Seed and Seedlings Association

    • Basf
    • Bayer
    • Syngenta

    Brazilian Seed and Seedlings Association

    Founded in 1972, it joins state associations and representative organizations across the sector. It coordinates and manages "matters in the interest of its members and of agribusiness.

    Famous brands

    Basf, Bayer, Syngenta, CropLife

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  • Abrass

    Brazilian Association of Soybean Seed Producers

    Brazilian Association of Soybean Seed Producers

    Founded in 2012, it says it represents "soybean seed growers in Brazil." Its members are responsible for "nearly 60% of production" domestically. No multinational seed growers are members.

  • Acrimat

    Breeder Association of Mato Grosso

    Breeder Association of Mato Grosso

    Founded in 1970, it joins around 3,000 cattle breeders in the state of Mato Grosso. No members are named on the website.

  • Adial

    Pro-Industrial Development Association of the State of Goiás

    • Camil
    • Heinz
    • Nestlé

    Pro-Industrial Development Association of the State of Goiás

    Created in 1995, it says it gathers "over 100 industries, totaling around 85% of the GDP of Goiás, and another 30 logistics operators," and that it fights for "fiscal incentive programs.

    Famous brands

    ADM, BRMill, BRF, Bunge, Camil, Cargill, Cepêra, Coca-Cola, Hering, JBS, John Deere, Klabin, Louis Dreyfus Company, Nestlé, Piracanjuba

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  • Aenda

    National Association of Phytosanitary Product Companies

    National Association of Phytosanitary Product Companies

    The new name of the Brazilian Association of Post-Patent Agrochemicals, its members are manufacturers of agrochemicals that are off patent and can therefore be freely reproduced.

  • AIPC

    Brazilian Association of Cocoa Processing Industries

    • Cargill

    Brazilian Association of Cocoa Processing Industries

    Started in 2004. Members are four companies that, according to the institution's website, account for most of the cocoa purchased and milled in Brazil.

    Famous brands

    Barry Callebaut, Cargill, OFI, Indústria Brasileira de Cacau

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  • AmaBrasil

    Association of Fertilizers Mixers of Brazil

    Association of Fertilizers Mixers of Brazil

    Founded in 1980, it represents fertilizer mixers, whose "play the most relevant role in supplying the world's fourth largest fertilizer market.

    Famous brands

    Louis Dreyfus Company, 3Tentos, Unifertil

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  • Ampa

    Mato Grosso Association of Cotton Producers

    Mato Grosso Association of Cotton Producers

    Founded in 1997 "by farmers who began cotton farming under a business model," it joins hundreds of Mato Grosso's cotton producers. It has shared a headquarters with Aprosoja-MT since 2014.

  • Aprosmat

    Association of Seed Producers of Mato Grosso

    Association of Seed Producers of Mato Grosso

    Headquartered in Rondonópolis, it was founded in 1980 to "advocate for the interests of members with governments and other entities." Website not available.

  • Aprosoja Brasil

    Brazilian Association of Soy Producers

    Brazilian Association of Soy Producers

    Founded in 1990 by soybean farmer who wanted to renegotiate their debt with the government. Members are 16 state associations.

  • Aprosoja MS

    Association of Soybean Producers of Mato Grosso do Sul

    Association of Soybean Producers of Mato Grosso do Sul

    Created in 2007, it "represents the rights, interests, and duties of bean producers." Members are not listed on the website.

  • Aprosoja MT

    Association of Soybean and Corn Producers of Mato Grosso

    Association of Soybean and Corn Producers of Mato Grosso

    Founded in 2005, it works to "unite the trade" of soybean and corn producers. No member list is published.

  • Bioenergia Brasil

    Bioenergia Brasil

    Bioenergia Brasil

    A national organization in Brazil's sugar and energy sector, members include 15 trade associations and it claims to be "the voice of 214 industrial units in ever state producing bioenergy and sugar.

  • Biosul

    Association of Bioenergy Producers of Mato Grosso do Sul

    • Atvos
    • BP Bunge
    • Raízen

    Association of Bioenergy Producers of Mato Grosso do Sul

    The new name of the former Trade Association of the Alcohol Manufacturing Industry of Mato Grosso do Sul, it represents 18 plants producing sugar, ethanol, and bioelectricity from sugarcane.

    Famous brands

    Atvos, BP Bunge, Raízen

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  • Cecafé

    Council of Coffee Exporters of Brazil

    • Cofco
    • Louis Dreyfus

    Council of Coffee Exporters of Brazil

    Started in 1999 from a merger between two other organizations, to "defend and promote the interests of the coffee export sector.

    Famous brands

    Companhia Cacique de Café Solúvel, Cofco, Louis Dreyfus

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  • Citrus BR

    Brazilian Association of Citrus Exporters

    • Citrosuco
    • Cutrale
    • Louis Dreyfus Company

    Brazilian Association of Citrus Exporters

    Founded in June 2009, its members are the biggest Brazilian companies producing and exporting citrus juices and byproducts.

    Famous brands

    Citrosuco, Cutrale, Louis Dreyfus Company

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  • CNA

    Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock

    Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock

    Founded in 1951, it says it represents "5 million rural producers," joining "rural associations and leaders" and participating in "discussions and decisions on national agricultural policy.

  • CropLife Brasil

    CropLife Brasil

    • Basf
    • Bayer
    • Syngenta

    CropLife Brasil

    Founded in 2019 to "unify organizations in the agricultural inputs sector on a single platform" in the dialog with "shapers of opinion and governments." It is an association of large agrochemical multinationals.

    Famous brands

    Ballagro, Basf, Bayer, Ihara, Lallemand, Limagrain, Novozymes, Ourofino, Shull, Syngenta

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  • Faep

    Agriculture Federation of the State of Paraná

    Agriculture Federation of the State of Paraná

    Founded in 1963, it advocates for "the rural economic category" and "the economic, social, and environmental interests" of Paraná's farmers. Since 1991 it has been helmed by Ágide Meneguette, who is aligned with the Lupion family.

  • Faesp

    Federation of Rural Associations of the State of São Paulo

    Federation of Rural Associations of the State of São Paulo

    Its origins go back to 1930, when an international crash in coffee prices affected the interests of São Paulo's coffee barons. It currently "defends the general interests" of São Paulo's farm bosses.

  • Famato

    Agriculture and Livestock Federation of Mato Grosso

    Agriculture and Livestock Federation of Mato Grosso

    Founded in 1965, it brings together "93 rural unions spread across Mato Grosso, whose mission is to defend the rights, demands, and interests of the rural producer.

  • FenSeg

    National Federation of General Insurance

    • Bradesco
    • Porto Seguro
    • Santander

    National Federation of General Insurance

    An association of insurers operating in Brazil, created in 2007 to "exercise political representation" and "promote permanent defense of the segment's interests" with the government.

    Famous brands

    AIG, Allianz, Bradesco Seguros, Caixa Seguradora, HDI, Itaú Seguros, Mapfre, Porto Seguro,Santander Auto, Tokio Marine, Zurich Brasil

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  • Feplana

    Federation of Sugarcane Planters of Brazil

    Federation of Sugarcane Planters of Brazil

    Started in 1941, it has 31 producer associations and suppliers as members. It says it is "the only trade organization for the sugar and alcohol sector included by name in Brazilian law." It is headquartered in Brasília. Members are not listed on the website.

  • Fiemt

    Federation of Industries in the State of Mato Grosso

    Federation of Industries in the State of Mato Grosso

    Started to "represent the interests of the industrial sector" and "meet the needs of Mato Grosso's industries." Members include 38 trade associations in the state. Its leader is a sugarcane and biodiesel businessman.

  • Fiesp

    Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo

    Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo

    One of the most influential employer associations in the country, its members include "131 associations split among 23 production sectors, representing approximately 150,000 companies of all sizes" in São Paulo.

  • Ibá

    Brazilian Tree Industry

    • Klabin
    • Santher
    • Suzano

    Brazilian Tree Industry

    The association is responsible "for institutionally representing the planted tree production chain." Founded in 2014, it represents dozens of the sector's companies and entities in the state.

    Famous brands

    Arauco, Berneck, Eucatex, Gerdau, Ibema, Klabin, Melhoramentos, Santher, Softys, Suzano

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  • Orplana

    Organization of Sugarcane Producer Associations of Brazil

    Organization of Sugarcane Producer Associations of Brazil

    Founded in 1976, its mission is to "guarantee a secure and profitable future for sugarcane producers." It is headquartered in the state of São Paulo, where 24 of the 32 member associations it represents are.

  • Sindag

    National Trade Association of Agricultural Aviation Companies

    National Trade Association of Agricultural Aviation Companies

    With headquarters in Brasília and Porto Alegre, it represents "air services companies specialized in crop protection," that is, which mainly spray agrochemicals on monocultures.

  • Sindan

    National Trade Association of the Animal Health Products Industry

    • Abbott
    • Eurofarma
    • Mundo Animal

    National Trade Association of the Animal Health Products Industry

    Founded in 1966, it joins dozens of companies "responsible for around 90% f the Brazilian veterinary drugs market.

    Famous brands

    Abbott, Agroceres, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eurofarma, Mundo Animal, Ourofino, Tecpar, União Química

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  • Sindicerv

    National Trade Association of the Beer Industry

    • Ambev
    • Heineken
    • Therezópolis

    National Trade Association of the Beer Industry

    Founded in 1948, it "represents the interests of the companies responsible for 85% of the beer made in Brazil.

    Famous brands

    Cerveja Colombina, Inbepa, Therezópolis, Hocus Pocus, Ambev, Heineken

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  • Sindirações

    National Trade Association of the Animal Feed Industry

    • Hills
    • Nestlé Purina
    • Royal Canin

    National Trade Association of the Animal Feed Industry

    Started in 1953 and, as of 1995, it expanded its representation. It currently says it represents companies that "account for 90% of the sector's production.

    Famous brands

    Ajinomoto, Basf, BRF, Guabi, Hil's, JBS/Seara, Nestlé Purina, Premier Pet, Royal Canin, Special Dog, Spert, Vet Science

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  • Sindiveg

    National Trade Association of the Plant Defense Products Industry

    • Helm
    • Ihara

    National Trade Association of the Plant Defense Products Industry

    Another agrochemical trade association, which says it is over 80 years old and has 26 members. Basf, Bayer and Syngenta, large multinationals, are not members.

    Famous brands

    Helm, Ihara, ISK Biosciences, Mitsui Chemicals, Ourofino

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  • Sistema OCB

    Organization of Cooperatives of Brazil

    • Cocamar
    • Aurora
    • Coamo

    Organization of Cooperatives of Brazil

    A trade association of Brazilian coops – including major names like Cocamar, C.Vale, Aurora, and Coamo – and it represents them "before the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches.

    Famous brands

    Cocamar, Aurora, Coamo, C.Vale

  • SRB

    Brazilian Rural Society

    Brazilian Rural Society

    Rural," as it is known, was founded in 1919 in São Paulo. At the time, the state's oligarchs had split command of the country with oligarchs from Minas Gerais in the "coffee with milk policy." It is the oldest association of farmers in Brazil that is still active.

  • SucosBR

    Brazilian Association of Pure Juice Industries Industries

    • Suco Pratt's

    Brazilian Association of Pure Juice Industries Industries

    Founded in 2020, it has no website. Instead, it has a profile on Instagram. There, it says it was created to "value pure orange juice." It is headquartered in Brasília.

    Famous brands

    Macro Vitta, OQ Bebidas Saudáveis, Suco Pratt's, Viva Feliz, Xandô

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  • Unem

    National Corn Ethanol Union

    National Corn Ethanol Union

    Works to "promote the monitoring and defense of interests of Brazil's industry of ethanol made from corn and other cereals." It is headquartered in Cuiabá.

  • Única

    Brazilian Sugarcane Industry and Bioenergy Association

    • BP Bunge
    • Copersucar
    • Raízen

    Brazilian Sugarcane Industry and Bioenergy Association

    Created in 1997, it is "the representative body of a wide group of companies that produce sugar, ethanol and bioelectricity in the Center-South region of Brazil, especially in São Paulo." Headquarters in São Paulo, Brasília, the USA and Europe.

    Famous brands

    Grupo Balbo, BP Bunge, Cofco, Copersucar, Raízen, Zilor

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  • Viva Lácteos

    Brazilian Dairy Association

    • Catupiry
    • Danone
    • Yakult

    Brazilian Dairy Association

    An organization representing the milk-based products industry, it has "38 of the industry's biggest manufacturers and trade associations in Brazil, responsible for 70% of milk and milk products made.

    Famous brands

    Aurora, Aviação, Castrolanda, Catupiry, Danone, Embaré, Frimesa, Frísia, Italac, Itambé, Mondelēz, Nestlé, Piracanjuba, Polenghi, Vigor, Verde Campo, Yakult

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