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Sumaúma: Journalism from Center of the World
Edition 45
Monday, 05 August, 2024
Lula is right: We need a global tax on the super rich
Amid growing signs of climate breakdown and declining trust in carbon credits, the world’s best hope is to soak the billionaires and super-polluters who got us into this mess

Jonathan Watts
Altamira, Xingu River, Amazon

The only way to cure the worst planetary fever in more than 100,000 years is with cooling planetary politics. That means the people of the world must seek together, work together and pay together for emergency treatment. First though, we must defeat the nationalist, capitalist forces that seek to divide, weaken and distract us.

This reality has become more apparent and urgent in the past month, amid ever more alarming signs of climate breakdown – from the Amazon to Antarctica – and ever more extreme delaying tactics by those who are most responsible.

Positive new ideas are emerging, including most recently a suggestion from Lula’s government in Brazil for a global tax on billionaires. But most of the world’s power holders would prefer to rely on failed market “solutions,” such as carbon credits, despite growing doubts about their effectiveness. Meanwhile time is running out.
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Novo Progresso: the worst of the worst for Amazon deforestation

In the town that led Brazil’s infamous Fire Day, land thieves flex their muscles and set the tone for the next elections, pressuring Congress, the Judiciary, and the Lula administration to sever and privatize a chunk of Jamanxim National Forest twice the area of São Paulo city

Rafael Moro Martins, Novo Progresso, Pará, Amazônia
Funai asks federal agencies to investigate Michael Greene’s contracts with Indigenous peoples

Companies linked to the US entrepreneur are said to have made agreements that are “unduly disadvantageous” to Amazon communities on the carbon market, but Indigenous associations still defend the projects

Claudia Antunes, Rio de Janeiro, and Rafael Moro Martins, Brasília
The forest has a plan to save the planet from the climate crisis

At a recent gathering in the Bolivian Amazon, a group of Indigenous, Ribeirinho, Quilombola, and Pan-Amazonian activists drew up an alternative treaty to the failed COP negotiations

Talita Bedinelli, Rurrenabaque, Amazônia boliviana
‘You see people’s lives in the debris’

Environmentalist Leonardo da Costa visits Rio Grande do Sul’s largest temporary landfill, where thousands of belongings lost to flooding were sent

Pablito Aguiar, Alvorada, Rio Grande do Sul


‘The crime novel era has passed. Now is the time for stories about flies and eels.’

A life studying insects on a small island has proved a literary inspiration for one Swedish writer

Gabi Martínez, Barcelona, Espanha
Episode 46
A nonhuman take on the Amazon story. SUMAÚMA follows the journey of a howler...
Pablito Aguiar, Raimunda Tutanguira, and Jonathan Watts
Episode 47 he explores his forest home and tries to understand the humans who threaten it
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