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Sumaúma: Journalism from Center of the World
Edition 46
Monday, 02 September, 2024
Stop voting for politicians who are killing you
Either we halt destruction or we’ll see a lot more blood, pain, death, and maybe extinction

Eliane Brum
Altamira, Xingu River, Amazon

The most dangerous denier is the person who believes they aren’t a denier. The person who recognizes what’s obvious, what’s scientifically proven, what we see and feel every day, like the planet growing hotter, but who continues to live as if their life and everyone else’s weren’t under lethal threat. Right now, we in Brazil have brutal evidence of just how powerful this denialism is: from north to south, the country is under a haze of smoke from fires raging in the Amazon Forest, Pantanal, Cerrado, and Atlantic Forest. Even monoculture fields planted where Nature once reigned are burning. Most of these fires were set by human hands, and the 2024 dry season got off to an early and especially severe start in the Amazon. Classes were suspended in São Paulo and families forced to leave their homes in the region of Ribeirão Preto, some 300 kilometers from the state capital. The skies over the far southern state of Rio Grande do Sul turned ash-gray, while its population was still grappling with the consequences of its most extreme weather event ever – the devastating floods that hit earlier this year. And yet the climate collapse isn’t at the top of the agenda in the debate leading up to October’s nationwide local elections—oftentimes, neither questions nor answers even hint at the topic. The climate collapse is not a priority in everyday actions, nor do most media outlets feature it in their headlines for more than a day or two. Climate collapse is not the first thought on most people’s minds.

This too is denialism. This is being aware of what’s happening but denying it so you can go on with your life, as if the threat might miraculously vanish. This denialism is killing us and making it ever more challenging to stop global heating, climate change, and the overwhelming loss of biodiversity. It isn’t a matter of demanding changes by individuals, as if one person alone were individually to blame for the collapse and could be individually responsible for the solution. We know that one person only counts as one—and counting as one doesn’t count. But this also doesn’t exempt anyone from making tough individual changes and, above all, from taking action to form the collectives that can indeed make a difference. No one has the right to do nothing, given what lies before us, because we have a responsibility toward others—and we have a responsibility toward what is done in our name.

Those who are pushing our planet-house to the point of collapse will not stop. Only we, collectively, can stop them, by acting politically—in the broad, beautiful sense of the latter word. Acting by voting and by taking part in decisions in the Legislative and Executive branches and in all spaces, public and private alike. Democracy has to be about much more than voting, and even when it’s just voting, Brazilians have been doing a bad job of it—otherwise, far-rightist Jair Bolsonaro would never have been elected, nor could a candidate like Pablo Marçal run for mayor of São Paulo, someone who isn’t even qualified to run for human being. To make matters worse, once most people have voted, they quit participating or keeping an eye on what is being done in their names.

At SUMAÚMA, we have repeatedly pointed out that we must overcome this denialism to have any chance of preventing further burning of our planet-home, more human deaths, increasingly frequent disasters like in Rio Grande do Sul, and the possibility that devastating droughts, such as the one in the Amazon, will take the Rainforest to the point of no return. Because, we repeat, the planet-eaters are not going to stop.

SUMAÚMA has some suggestions of where to start in Brazil.
Read more
How military ideology shaped today’s Amazon
The authors of the Army’s doctrine on the region see Indigenous people as ‘foreigners’ while calling for alliances with illegal miners and looking to China’s dictatorship for solutions
Rafael Moro Martins, Brasília
Smuggled, killed or free: three fates of the Matamata turtle
Since 2015, Colombian authorities have intercepted illegal shipments of thousands of these remarkable ‘reptilian skunks’ whose ‘smile’ belies an often sad treatment
Santiago Wills, Leticia, Colombia
Only ancestral peoples have the technology to regenerate a dying forest
Urgent action is needed to contain the capitalist metastasis spreading through the Amazon and far beyond
Sidarta Ribeiro
Reimagining Tuire’s defiant defence of life
SUMAÚMA asked Amazonian and Indigenous artists to recreate the image of the Kayapó woman who challenged the white men and became a symbol of the forest peoples’ resistance to the Belo Monte Dam
Tuire Kayapó, the woman who held back a dam
With a single defiant gesture, this brave indigenous woman, who passed on August 10, delayed construction of the Belo Monte Dam by two decades and set an example for future generations
Thais Mantovanelli, Rio Xingu, Altamira, Amazônia
Lessons for Democracy From the Brazilian Amazon
‘The environment and its natural resources are at the heart of the discussion on the maintenance of democracy,’ said Hugo Loss, an official in Brazil’s environmental protection agency and a former target of surveillance by the Bolsonaro administration
Marcos Colón (Amazônia Latitude) and Katie Surma (Inside Climate News)
The Falling Sky lands in Cannes
The shaman Davi Kopenawa Yanomami shot an arrow with a new documentary that was screened in the south of France, and appears to have pierced the hearts of young viewers who will live under an ever more threatened climate
Jaqueline Sordi, Rio Grande do Sul
“It was me who built this house. Now I’ll build it again”
At 70 years old, Irineu Dullius leapt from his roof and grabbed onto a phone line to escape the flooding in Cruzeiro do Sul. Now, with his own hands, he is rebuilding his old home
Pablito Aguiar, Alvorada, Rio Grande do Sul
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Pablito Aguiar, Alvorada, Rio Grande do Sul
Episode 48
A nonhuman take on the Amazon story. SUMAÚMA follows the journey of a howler as he explores his forest home and tries to understand the humans who threaten it
Pablito Aguiar, Raimunda Tutanguira, and Jonathan Watts

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